Development of the AIR 1300 Rake – Trailed Combination

The AIR 1300 – VK project represents a consortium R&D project for the development of a new rake with a revolutionary 13-meter (1300) working width and a trailed combination (VK) system for gathering forage swaths. It is designed for processing large-scale flat areas and meets the needs of the most demanding professional farmers.

Project results: a developed and functional prototype of the AIR 1300 – VK rake with:

  • A working width of 13 m (first in the world) with 4 divided gathering units, allowing for 40% higher productivity in forage collection;
  • Less aggressive gathering tines that reduce contamination in the forage (up to -5%);
  • An integrated high-resolution digital (display) controller with a software user interface that enables automatic machine control on various types of controllers, monitoring, modularity, and equipment personalization.

Total project value: 941,000 EUR.

The investment is co-financed by the European Union - NextGeneration EU with 231,000 EUR.

The investment is part of the plan’s measures financed through the mechanism - More info -

The project is carried out by 2 partners: SIP Machinery Industry, d.d., Šempeter v Savinjski dolini, as the leading partner, and DEK, d.o.o., as the consortium partner.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

Operation Title

Modular Automated Tractor Spreader with IoT Connectivity Preparation

Purpose and objective of the operation

The objective of the research and development project is to design and prototype a modular automated tractor spreader with integrated preparation for IoT connectivity, reaching TRL 9, and ready for industrial-scale manufacturing.

The goal is to develop a modular automated tractor spreader with IoT connectivity integration, which will be electronically controlled and capable of collecting various types of data relevant to optimizing operational efficiency. This project aims to combine multiple spreading methodologies, eliminating the need for winter service operators to switch machines for different locations with varying surface types, which require different spreading materials under diverse weather conditions. Additionally, it will prevent the need to repeatedly cover areas that exceed the operational width of current machines. The new system will allow simultaneous spreading on both roadways and sidewalks, or on roads and bus stations, with electronic control over the spreading width, enabling coverage of larger surfaces in a single pass. These innovations significantly reduce both the travel distance of spreading equipment and traffic congestion, leading to a reduction in overall emissions.